Golden Celebration Roses and Blue Willow, 12 x 14 inches
Golden Celebration Roses and Blue Willow, 12 x 14 inches, oil on panel
This painting has everything I love to paint, beautiful flowers, a jade ginger jar, and blue willow plates. When putting this painting together, I kept thinking about a quiet evening at home. The type of evening that would be routine except that you have enlivened it with a beautiful fresh bouquet and you have pulled out your special porcelain.
It is my favorite way to live, making the most of what you have and finding beauty in these unassuming moments.
Detail of Golden Celebration Roses
This painting is available and looking for its forever home, email me if you would like more details.
Golden Celebration Roses with Jade Ginger Jar
Creative Process Notes:
This painting was begun for my online class I am teaching at the Arts of Great Falls. In our class I demostrated how I finish a painting... and in order to have a painting at the final stages for class, I needed to be working on a painting prior to class. 😀
I really love painting, and I REALLY love teaching. It has been a good stretch of my skills to adapt to teaching in an online format. So far, so good! If you are interested in my process up to the final-most stage of completing a painting, check out the youtube video I created for my online class in anticipation to our scheduled class time on Wednesday morning.