A World of Pink and Blue, oil on linen, 20 x 16 inches

A World of Pink and Blue, oil on linen, 20 x 16 inches

A World of Pink and Blue, oil on linen, 20 x 16 inches

Another piece from the “From Garden to Vase” collection.  When I began developing the idea of what this body of work was going to be, I kept thinking about the color blue, I knew I wanted it to be a unifying aspect of all of these paintings. 

With this painting “A World of Pink and Blue” I brought together a bouquet of pink flowers, echinacea and nicotiana, surrounded by blue supports.  A vintage Moroccan vase is made of shades of blue and white, a blue willow bowl, and a blue and white imari porcelain lid are all from different eras, and still come together and support the beauty of the flowers. 

I like the rhythm and movement of this piece, the eye has so many places to visit and explore.