Lime Wedges
Lime Wedges – 6" x 6" Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD
Here is a small study of lime wedges, in this painting I wanted to focus on how the light flows through the fruit. I also liked the idea of having a grid behind the wedges to emphasize their organic shape and irregular placement. Though I thought the background would have seemed totally contrived if the grid had been too square, so the plaid cloth also has some irregularities to create interest. In this painting my awareness increased, I had been noticed before how the lime rind is really diverse as it wraps around the fruit, getting thicker and having more white area where the stem once was.
This painting nearly did not survive the curiosity of my kitty, Slim. She managed to bring down and break a bowl of another still life I had set up… However I am happy that this survived and to post this painting.